This morning, I weighed 144.8#, up 0.6# from yesterday and 2.4# over my last dose weight. That means I will be doing a steak day today according to the following:
“The moment the scale goes beyond two pounds, even if this is only a few ounces, they must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch but take plenty to drink. In the evening they must eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato.”
I probably could have prevented today’s gain. I had to order fries at a restaurant shop yesterday, and I had to taste them, but I didn’t have to eat so many! Otherwise, it was a perfectly fine meal.
In general, I wasn’t very hungry yesterday. I would have liked to have had a better lunch, but there was a cleaning crew in the house at the time, and I didn’t want to get in their way.
I decided to compare measurements to a time when I weighed the same before. I found a set of measurements from last year for which I weighed about the same as my last dose weight. I did not see any particular remodeling benefits. I’m a little concerned about the Abdomen measurement, actually.
7/5/2009 | 7/13/2010 | Difference | |
Weight | 140.4# | 141.0# | 0.6# |
Bust | 38¾” | 38″ | -¾” |
Pecs | 36½” | 36″ | -½” |
Ribs | 32¼” | 32½” | +¼” |
Waist | 30¼” | 31″ | +¾” |
Abdomen | 32¼” | 36″ | +3¾” |
Hips | 36½” | 36¾” | +¼” |
Upper thigh, right | 20½” | 20¼” | -¼” |
Upper thigh, left | 20¼” | 20½” | +¼” |
Lower thigh, right | 15¼” | 16″ | +¾” |
Lower thigh, left | 16″ | 16¼” | +¼” |
Calves, right | 13¼” | 13¾” | +½” |
Calves, left | 13¾” | 14″ | +¼” |
Upper arms, right | 12″ | 12″ | 0″ |
Upper arms, left | 12¼” | 12″ | -¼” |
Neck | 14″ | 14½” | +½” |